Nottingham Support Group for Carers of Children with Eczema
University of Nottingham


NSGCCE has won recognition by healthcare experts for our work in providing a free to end-user service.


Two of our team, Dr Jane Ravenscroft and Prof Hywel Williams, have been recognised by their colleagues nationally for the work they have done to improve dermatology services for children in Nottingham.

Photo: Dr Ravenscroft (left), Prof Williams (centre) and Dr Kyle Tang (right) at The BMJ Awards 2018.


We won the National Eczema Society Local Support Group Award in 2003 as well as the British Journal of Nursing Clinical Practice Award in 2005.

Dermatology Nurse Consultant Sandra Lawton was awarded the national Stone Award by the British Dermatological Nursing Group for her work with children with eczema over more than 20 years which included the development of NSGCCE.

Sandra has also received the Recent Graduate Award at the University of Nottingham Alumni Laureate Awards 2011. ( Watch the online video of the award presentation )



Thanks to parent carer Amanda Roberts the NSGCCE has attracted nearly 4,000 followers on Twitter (@eczemasupport) since February 2009.

For those who are unfamiliar with Twitter, it is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? 

Twitter  Follow us at http://twitter.com/eczemasupport/ and let's get everyone talking. 


It was wonderful to discover the Nottingham Support Group for Carers of Children with Eczema. Its excellent website and twitter account are a fantastic resource for patients, carers and health professionals. I look forward to working with the organisation in the future. Keep up the hard work!


                                                                                                     -- Dr Irfan Malik, Elmswood Surgery, Nottingham


I have learnt so much from tweeting with Nottingham Support Group for Carers of Children with Eczema – and used it to help my patients. It has made me change the way I think about eczema.


-- Clare Gerada, doctor and Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners


Looking after 2 young children with eczema is very hard work. Their creams and needs have to be built in and around everyday activities. The cream routines, treatments and skin flares can change daily. The NSGCCE web site provides clear trusted medical facts in a straight forward user friendly format. If I need to remind myself or find out about a treatment, symptoms or test procedure then the fact sheets are amazing - concise and from a medically trustworthy source - not mumbo jumbo which many sites are, causing more confusion to this endless and tiring condition. The NSGCCE site makes me feel there is always support and on hand information readily available from a credible medical team which I can trust and access whatever the time of day. It gives a great insight into the on-going research and trials which otherwise I would have little knowledge of thus reminding me there is a true window of hope for positive steps to treatments in the future.

Thank you NSGCCE for giving us hope and the strength to fight eczema, it is good to know on this battle we are not alone.


-- Anna Davidson, Derbyshire, mother of 2 children aged 5 and 8 


Nottingham Support Group for Carers of Children with Eczema carefully advocate and partner with doctors, doing a good ethical job of health literacy in atopic topics on social media.


-- Karen Price, GP and Chair of Women in General Practice Committee Victoria Faculty of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners


  Useful document if you want to use bleach baths in clinical practice...thank you for a great informative piece of work !

-- Stela Ziaj, Dermatology Registrar, commenting on Antiseptic Baths information leaflet.



  Great patient resource on bleach baths. So helpful for our patients with eczema

 -- DermNet New Zealand, commenting on Antiseptic Baths information leaflet.



This group has been a light in a dark tunnel in this period [though]! Helpful, actual medical advice!!! Thank you!

 -- Teacher (Mrs C) commenting on NSGCCE support during Coronavirus pandemic.


Contact us

Nottingham Support Group for Carers of Children with Eczema (NSGCCE)

©2006 – 2022 NSGCCE and its contributors.

Website: www.nottinghameczema.org.uk

Email: enquiry@nottinghameczema.org.uk